From treatment to empowerment: New approaches to youth mentoring
Schwartz, S. & Rhodes, J. (2016). From treatment to empowerment: New approaches to youth mentoring. American Journal of Community Psychology, Vol 58(1-2), Sep, 2016 pp. 150-157. [PDF]
Schwartz, S. & Rhodes, J. (2016). From treatment to empowerment: New approaches to youth mentoring. American Journal of Community Psychology, Vol 58(1-2), Sep, 2016 pp. 150-157. [PDF]
Rhodes, J. (2016). Celebrating our evolving, interdisciplinary, contextually embedded field. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice: Special Issue on Theory and Community Psychology, 7(2), 1-4. [PDF]
Schwartz, S. E. O., Kanchewa, S. S., Rhodes, J. E., Cutler, E. & Cunningham, J. L. (2016). “I didn’t know you could just ask:” Empowering underrepresented college-bound students to recruit academic and career mentors. Children and Youth Services Review, 64, 51-19. [PDF]
Spencer, R., Schwartz, S. O., & Rhodes, J. E. (2016). Somebody who was on my side: A qualitative examination of youth initiated mentoring. Youth & Society, 48, 402-424. [PDF]
Lowe, S., Rhodes, J., & Waters, M. C. (2015). Understanding resilience and other trajectories of psychological distress: A mixed-methods study of low-income mothers who survived Hurricane Katrina. Current Psychology: A Journal for Diverse Perspectives on Diverse Psychological Issues, 34(3), 537-550.
Chan, C. S., Lowe, S. R., Weber, E., & Rhodes, J. E. (2015).The contribution of pre- and postdisaster social support to short- and long-term mental health after Hurricanes Katrina: A longitudinal study of low-income survivors. Social Science & Medicine, 138, 38-43.[PDF]
Lowe, S., Rhodes, J., & Waters, M. C. (2015). Understanding resilience and other trajectories of psychological distress: A mixed-methods study of low-income mothers who survived Hurricane Katrina. Current Psychology: A Journal for Diverse Perspectives on Diverse Psychological Issues, 34(3), 537-550. [PDF]
Spencer, R. & Rhodes, J. E. (2014). Growth promoting relationships with children and adolescents. New Directions for Youth Development, 2014(144), 59-72. DOI: 10.1002/yd.20113[PDF]
Chan, C. & Rhodes, J. E. (2014). Measuring exposure in Hurricane Katrina: A meta-analysis and an integrative data analysis. PLOS ONE, 9(14), 1-15. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0092899. [PDF]
Arcaya, M., James, P., Rhodes, J. E., Waters, M. C., & Subramanian, S. V. (2014). Urban sprawl and body mass index among displaced Hurricane Katrina survivors. Preventive Medicine, 65, 40-46.[ PDF ]
Schwartz, S. E. O., Rhodes, J. E., Liang, B., Sánchez, B., Spencer, R., Kremer, S., & Kanchewa, S. (2014). Mentoring in the digital age: Social media use in adult-youth relationships. Children and Youth Services Review, 47(3), 205-213.[ PDF ]
Arcaya, M. C., Subramanian, S. V., Rhodes, J. E., & Waters, M. C. (2014). The role of health in predicting moves to poor neighborhoods among Hurricane Katrina survivors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 111(46), 16246-16253. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1416950111.[ PDF ]
Ben-Eliyahu, A., Rhodes, J. E., & Scales, P. (2014). The interest-driven pursuits of 15-year-olds: “Sparks” and their association with caring relationships and developmental outcomes. Applied Developmental Science, 18(2), 76-89.[PDF]
Kanchewa, S., Rhodes, J. E., Schwartz, S. E. O., & Olsho, L. (2014). The Influence of same versus cross-gender matching in formal youth mentoring programs. Applied Developmental Science, 18, 31-45.
Dunn, E. C., Solovieff, N., Lowe, S. R., Gallagher, P. J., Chaponis, J., Rosand, J., Koenan, K. C., Waters, M. C, Rhodes, J.E., & Smoller, J. W. (2014). Interaction between genetic variants and exposure to Hurricane Katrina on post-traumatic stress and post-traumatic growth. A prospective analysis of low-income adults. Journal of Affective Disorders, 152-154, 243-249.[PDF]
Rhodes, J.(2014). Lucking out: A career shaped by mentoring. In Lerner, R. M., Petersen, A. C., Silbereisen, R.K., & Brooks-Gunn, J.(Eds.).”The developmental science of adolescence: History through autobiography.” New York: Psychology Press. pp. 386-392.
Lowe, S.R., Willis, M., & Rhodes,J.(2014). Health problems among low-income parents in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Health Psychology, 33(8), 774-782. [PDF]
Arcaya, M. C., Lowe, S. R., Rhodes, J. E., Lowe, Waters, M. C., & Subramanian, S. V.(2014). Association of PTSD symptoms with asthma attacks among Hurricane Katrina survivors. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 27(6), 725-729. DOI: 10.1002/jts.21976.
Rhodes, J. E. (2014). Improving the human condition through rigorous applied developmental research. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 43(6), 1025-1026.
Kupersmidt, J. & Rhodes, J. (2013). Mentor training. In D. L. DuBois & M. Karcher (Eds.). The Handbook of Youth Mentoring, Second Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.