Long-term Courses of Posttraumatic Growth in Survivors of Hurricane Katrina.

Preston, J., Lowe, S., & Rhodes (2024). Long-term Courses of Posttraumatic Growth in Survivors of Hurricane Katrina. Traumatology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/trm0000497

Student loans, employment readiness, and labor market outcomes.

Hull, T., Krishnan, K., & Rhodes, J. (in press). Student loans, employment readiness, and labor market outcomes. Journal of Applied Business and Economic.


Striking the balance: The relative benefits of goal- and youth-focused approaches to youth mentoring relationships.

Werntz, A., Poon, C. Y. S., & Rhodes, J. E. (2023). Striking the balance: The relative benefits of goal- and youth-focused approaches to youth mentoring relationships. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-023-01751-4

A randomized controlled trial of enhanced mentoring program practices for children of incarcerated caregivers: Assessing impacts on youth and match outcomes.

Stelter, R. L., Stump, K. N., Rhodes, J. E., & Kupersmidt, J. B. (2023). A randomized controlled trial of enhanced mentoring program practices for children of incarcerated caregivers: Assessingimpacts on youth and match outcomes. Journal of Community Psychology,1–27.https://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.23017STELTERET AL.|27 [PDF]

Providing human support for the use of digital mental health interventions: Systematic meta-review. Journal of Medical Internet Research

Werntz, A., Amando, S., Jasman, M., Ervin, A, & Rhodes, H. (2023). Providing human support for the use of digital mental health interventions: Systematic meta-review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, Journal of Medical Internet Research. 25, e42864, p.1.

Implementation of a Technology-Enhanced Peer Mentor Referral System for First-Year University Students

Werntz, A., Jasman, M., Simeon, K., Gunasekaran, H., Yowell, C., & Rhodes, J. (2023). Implementation of a technology-enhanced peer mentor referral system for first-year university students.,Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science.DOI: 10.1007/s41347-023-00303-8.

A meta-analysis of the effects of after-school programs among youth with marginalized identities.

Christensen, K. M., Kremer, K. P., Poon, C., & Rhodes, J. E. (2023). A meta-analysis of the effects of after-school programs among youth with marginalized identities. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1002/casp.2681.

Conceptual Models for Adulthood Preparation Subjects within Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP).

Clary, E., Zaveri, H., Moore, K., Scott, M., Jones, C., Eddins, K., Adamek, K., Around Him, D., Arkin, M., & Griffith, I. (2021). Conceptual Models for Adulthood Preparation Subjects within Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP). OPRE Report # 2021-21. Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/opre/report/conceptual-models-adulthood-preparation-subjects-within-personal-responsibility

Developing the CASJE ECE Project’s Parent Survey

Arkin, M., & Halle, T. (2020). Developing the CASJE ECE Project’s Parent Survey: The Cognitive Interview Process. Washington, DC: Consortium for Applied Studies in Jewish Education. Retrieved from: https://www.casje.org/sites/default/files/docs/appendixd2.casje_cog_int_finaljune2020.pdf

Report on Key Informant Interviews conducted as part of CASJE’s study of the associations between Jewish ECE and Jewish engagement.

Schwartz, H., & Arkin, M. (2020). Report on Key Informant Interviews conducted as part of CASJE’s study of the associations between Jewish ECE and Jewish engagement. Washington, DC: Consortium for Applied Studies in Jewish Education. Retrieved from: https://www.casje.org/sites/default/files/docs/appendixb3.kii_report_june2020.pdf

Religion and spirituality: Benefits for Latino adolescents exposed to community violence

Jocson, R. M., Alers-Rojas, F., Ceballo, R., & Arkin, M. (2018). Religion and spirituality: Benefits for Latino adolescents exposed to community violence. Youth & Society, 52(3), 349-376. https://doi.org/10.1177/0044118X18772714

National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES) 2019 Early Childhood Cognitive Interviews

Darling, K., Ramos, M., Faccio, B., Arkin, M., Cox, A., & Guzman, L. (2018). National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES) 2019 Early Childhood Cognitive Interviews. OMB# 1850-0803 v.198. Retrieved from: https://omb.report/icr/201804-1850-008/doc/84203301.docx

Learned Helplessness and Parental Support as Predictors of Depression among Asian American Undergraduates

Soni, S. & Morrison, D. (2020). Learned helplessness and parental support as predictors of depression among Asian American undergraduates. 2020 NCUR Proceedings. [PDF]

Lessons Learned: Providing Supportive Accountability in an Online Anxiety Intervention

Werntz, A., Silverman, A. L., Behan, H., Patel, S. K., Beltzer, M., Boukhechba, M. O., Barnes, L., & Teachman, B. A.. (2022). Lessons learned: Providing supportive accountability in an online anxiety intervention. Behavior Therapy53(3), 492–507. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.beth.2021.12.002

Deconstructing “risk” in youth mentoring programs: How environmental stressors and patterns of presenting challenges shape youth outcomes

Poon, C. Y. S., Herrera, C., Jarjoura, R., Keller, T., McQuillin, S. D., Keller, T., & Rhodes, J. E. (2022). Deconstructing “risk” in youth mentoring programs: How environmental stressors and patterns of presenting challenges shape youth outcomes. [PDF]

    The effects of maternal disaster exposure on adolescent mental health 12 years later

    Zachary, M., Arkin, M., Rhodes, J., & Lowe, S. R. (2022). The effects of maternal disaster exposure on adolescent mental health 12 years later. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology [PDF]

    Associations Between Religious Coping and Long-Term Mental Health in Survivors of Hurricane Katrina

    Arkin, M., Lowe, S., Poon, C., & Rhodes, J. (2022). Associations Between Religious Coping and Long-Term Mental Health in Survivors of Hurricane Katrina. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. [PDF]

    Development and initial validation of a camper-counselor relationship scale, Applied Developmental Science,

    Rachel O. Rubin, Sara K. Johnson, Kirsten M. Christensen & Jean Rhodes (2022): Development and initial validation of a camper-counselor relationship scale, Applied Developmental Science, DOI: 10.1080/10888691.2022.2056462. [PDF]

    Someone who ‘gets’ me: adolescents’ perceptions of positive regard from natural mentors, Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning,

    Adar Ben-Eliyahu, Laura A. Yoviene Sykes & Jean E. Rhodes (2021). Someone who ‘gets’ me: adolescents’ perceptions of positive regard from natural mentors. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 29(3), 305-327, DOI: 10.1080/13611267.2021.1927438. [PDF]