Implementation of a Technology-Enhanced Peer Mentor Referral System for First-Year University Students

Werntz, A., Jasman, M., Simeon, K., Gunasekaran, H., Yowell, C., & Rhodes, J. (2023). Implementation of a technology-enhanced peer mentor referral system for first-year university students.,Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science.DOI: 10.1007/s41347-023-00303-8.

Digital mental health services: Moving from promise to results

Teachman, B. A., Silverman, A. L., & Werntz, A. (2022). Digital mental health services: Moving from promise to results. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 29, 97-104.

Lessons Learned: Providing Supportive Accountability in an Online Anxiety Intervention

Werntz, A., Silverman, A. L., Behan, H., Patel, S. K., Beltzer, M., Boukhechba, M. O., Barnes, L., & Teachman, B. A.. (2022). Lessons learned: Providing supportive accountability in an online anxiety intervention. Behavior Therapy53(3), 492–507.

Paraprofessional Youth Mentoring: A Framework for Integrating Youth Mentoring with Helping Institutions and Professions

McQuillin, S. D., Hagler, M. A., Werntz, A., & Rhodes, J. E. (2021). Paraprofessional youth mentoring: A framework for integrating youth mentoring with helping institutions and professions. American Journal of Community Psychology. [PDF]

A longitudinal investigation of first-generation college students’ mentoring relationships during their transition to higher education

Hagler, M. A., Christensen, K. M., & Rhodes, J. E. (2021). A longitudinal investigation of first-generation college students’ mentoring relationships during their transition to higher education. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice. doi:10.1177/15210251211022741[PDF]

Youth initiated mentoring-A scalable approach to addressing mental health problems during the Covid-19 crisis

van Dam, L., Rhodes, J., & Spencer, R. (2021). Youth-initiated mentoring as a scalable approach to addressing mental health problems during the COVID-19 crisis. JAMA Psychiatry. [PDF]

Predictors of close faculty−student relationships and mentorship in higher education: findings from the Gallup−Purdue Index

Raposa, E. B., Hagler, M., Liu, D. & Rhodes J. E. (2021). Predictors of close faculty−student relationships and mentorship in higher education: findings from the Gallup−Purdue Index. Annals of the New York Academy of Science. [PDF]

I’m having a little struggle with this, can you help me out?”: Examining impacts and processes of a social capital intervention for first-generation college students.

Schwartz, S., Kanchewa, S., Spencer, R. Parnes, M. & Rhodes (2017). I’m having a little struggle with this, can you help me out?”: Examining impacts and processes of a social capital intervention for first-generation college students. American Journal of Community Psychology, 1-13. [PDF]

Trends in Volunteer Mentoring in the United States: Analysis of a Decade of Census Survey Data.

Raposa, E.B., Dietz, N., & Rhodes, J.E. (2017). Trends in volunteer mentoring in the United States: Analysis of a decade of census survey data. American Journal of Community Psychology, 1, 1-12. [PDF]

Empowering underrepresented college-bound students to recruit academic and career mentors.

Schwartz, S. E. O., Kanchewa, S. S., Rhodes, J. E., Cutler, E. & Cunningham, J. L. (2016). “I didn’t know you could just ask:” Empowering underrepresented college-bound students to recruit academic and career mentors. Children and Youth Services Review, 64, 51-19. [PDF]