Course Signup "*" indicates required fields Name* First Last Suffix Email* What type of mentoring program do you work with?* Community-based School-based I'm not affiliated with a mentoring program Other What mentoring program do you work with? (please write N/A if you are an informal mentor)* What ages of youth mentees do you currently work with and/or plan to work with in the future? Pre-K Elementary school-aged Middle school-aged High school-aged Young adults Other How much familiarity do you have with evidence-based therapy/psychotherapy principles? I've never heard of evidence-based therapy Little to no familiarity - this is all new to me! Some familiarity Moderate familiarity (some training, background, experience with evidence-based treatments) I'm an expert (I've completed training in how to provide evidence-based treatments and/or I'm a licensed mental healthcare provider) Other Examples include: cognitive behavioral therapy, emotion-focused therapy, dialectical behavior therapyWhy are you interested in taking this course? What do you hope to learn?Is there anything else that would be helpful for us to know?Full Course Quantity* Price: $250.00 Quantity Please enter the names and emails of all participantsCredit Card